I made it! The great thing about coming from a life in Korea: No jetlag!
Found a place for the night and got a cab into the city for less than 1000 baht. I don't know how much that is in dollars or won but I do know that it's less than the private cab companies tried to charge just to get me to the backpacker neighborhood.
Sadly, it seems to be made up of a significant population of Westerners celebrating the absence of open container laws. I've come up with a name for people who travel around the world just to drink and smoke so that they can go back home and talk about all the ridiculous stuff they did because they were drunk and ran out of smokes: International Dilletantes. I've seen them all over Asia now (Japan, Korea, Thailand, Australia, & New Zealand) and it just makes me sad. How can you learn or appreciate anything if you spend the entire time in a chemical haze of one sort or another?
On the positive side I had little trouble getting here and even had a surprise stopover in Taiwan (I did not notice it on the e-ticket). Their airport in Taipei is not exciting. I keep considering buying duty free cigarettes and attempting to use the cigarettes to garner favors and "make friends". When I go to North Korea I know for sure that I will do this. Other positive: veggie spring rolls from street vendors at one in the morning. Pad Thai morning, noon, and night. Oh, and no open conatiner laws! Woohoo! Just kidding on that last part, nothing curbs ones desire for alcohol like observing the obnoxious and embarassing behavior of people who have already had too much and are sharing their brilliance with the public.
While waiting in the very long line to immigration I began pondering cows. Specifically, cows in leather form. I have this leather bracelet thing with a silver rose on it that I made and I decided it's badass because it's black leather. Then I started thinking about how leather is badass but cows aren't at all.
Badass: leather, eating cow, wearing cow
Not Badass: cows, killing cows, tipping cows
Does the tanning process somehow imbue cows with badassery? Can we do this to other animals? Can it be applied in any state other than post-mortem? Get back to me on that, k?
6 hours ago