Monday 28 July 2008

Spam, Spam, Spam, Aloha, and Spam

Have successfully met the parents in Hawai'i! I also got my hair cut. Not a lot but after a video consultation regarding style with Sunkist I took her advice. :) The Waikiki beach is pretty neat. Oh, and, shock, awe, swoon, I bought some clothes to wear that are summery and NOT black. I must admit it was difficult. Not only NOT black but with patterns that are not pinstripes. Largely because tasteful patterns are simply not done here.

It dawned on me that the main reason I have never been overly keen on beach-oriented holidays is that the beach experiences of my formative years were in Galveston and Port Aransus, Texas and New England. While NE is a wonderful place to live it is not because one loves their craggy, weed-choked beaches edged with dark waters that are brooding and foreboding at night. The only good thing I can say about Texas beaches is that I know someone who knows someone who found a whole garbage bag of marijuana leaves washed up there (likely tossed by runners) in the 70's.

You may or may not be aware that, as much as Korea loves SPAM, Hawaii is one of the largest markets for SPAM and SPAM-related products. A trip through a small grocery store in the tourist district revealed such choices as: SPAM, SPAM and Cheese, SPAM and Bacon, Oven Roasted Turkey SPAM, Hot and Spicy SPAM, and the item picture below (all canned).

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