At home, on my second glass of wine. I am so glad it's the weekend. I am all kinds of wound up. I have plans, oh yes, I have plans for you, dear readers. But not tonight, my sweets. Tonight I share only with you a few choice quotes from this week's homework:
I received this on the day I made a social studies crossword worksheet titled "Our Precious Freedoms"
"I readed a book about the Statue of Liberty. It was made from Freedom."
"I like Mandela because he got a nobel pies."
"My mother is very scary."
Next week they're taking a story comprehension quiz.
"Toad and Frog went for a ________.
A. Cup of coffee B. Walk C. Smoke"
I got chocolates from several students for Valentine's Day, which was lovely but unhealthy. Wednesday was Grammar class for my littl'ns and we were reviewing interrogative questions. Each student was to write down 5 questions to ask a partner. About 20% were "Do you have a boy(girl)friend?" and/or "How many boy(girl)friend do you have?"
One of my students wrote and essay about single-sex versus co-education and referred to "single-sex" vs. "double-sex" in the title. His last title I had to mark with "this is only *technically* English."
48 minutes ago
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