I've come to the sudden determination that I want the following sometime soon after my return to America:
Preferably in DC: An all weekend Monty-Python-fest starting on a Friday afternoon. As much of the full DVD series of the show as possible must be shown in consecutive order, non-stop. The whole weekend. There should be a party at some point and MP should be on in the background the whole time. There would be baking at some point. I have no oven.
In other news: You cannot make nachos on the stove top. I realize that, from a purely theoretical perspective, this wasn't going to work even before I started. But in the name of nachos I forged onwards. There is now a protective layer of "pizza cheese" permanently separating one of my pans from the dangers of air.
It makes perfect sense that NYT columnist* William Kristol was the Chief of Staff for Dan Quayle (amusing commentary by WaPo's Richard Cohen).
*What is up with NYT's choice of editorialist/columnists? Even Maureen Dowd, who I used to find a tolerable read, sounds more an more like a harpy looking for a verbal meal of any political figure she comes upon. Krugman is the only one I have sincere intellectual respect for and that's largely influenced by his work in Economics. Brooks and Friedman are both complete prats whose knowledge and understanding of world events are mortifying and limited.
48 minutes ago
I own the entire Flying Circus box set.
No Microwave?
Zschamm: So does Alex:)
Cassia: No microwave. Two gas burners and a fridge.
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