Thursday 21 August 2008

Back Despite a Total Absence of Demand!

Video! But first, let me give you the down lo':
1) I met with people from our head campus with a four page single spaced presentation proposal for presenting at the workshop next month.
2) I was observed and it was stressful and one of my kids asked me about sharks during class despite the total absence of sharks in the curriculum.
3) I've been putting in mad hours at work.
4) My greatest short-term hope is that I will see the egos, nay the very souls, of several coworkers crushed by the outcomes of the observations.
5) There is a ninja mosquito feeding on me in my apartment.
6) I'm taking a taekwondo test next month to qualify for a yellow belt.
7) I can haz job?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

"Science. It works, Bitches" might be a good choice if you're making a fire the old fashioned way. A good victory slogan.