Sunday 6 April 2008

Now Accepting Phone Calls

So...I only really get to talk to my parents and one friend on the phone. I'm going to make more effort to call people but I'd love to hear from people. Remember: It's free! I'm on Skype and I have a 202 phone number. There's noone here to talk to about Stuffy Doll or whether the Cylons really have a plan or anything. In fact, I had a super-nerd experience that was lost on the others in my Korean class and it reminded me how alone I am! The instructor was explaining particals in Korean. There's a partical in Korean (and Japanese) that demarcates time or location. As she was explaining it I had this flash and blurted out, "that makes perfect sense! Time is the fourth dimension!"

This weekend the cherry blossoms were out! It's pretty when the petals rain.

Happy Reenactor's Theatre Presents: This Guy.

Someone wonderful sent me Cadbury's!

While I was walking around in the Sinchon area I found the sight below. A student was tied to a tree and others were taking turns running up and kicking him. It ended shortly after I arrived so I couldn't get a picture of the kid's face, which was covered in whipped cream. The kicks looked pretty hard but the victim of the hazing did not appear too upset. It was a weird incident.

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